
Get the Best Care For your Bones From Skilled Orthopedists at Vitalife, Pune


Vitalife provides the best orthopedics services in Pune. Orthopedics deals with the body’s musculoskeletal system, which comprises muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

This specialty covers various conditions that may be present since birth or may occur due to injury or wear and tear. Known for handling complex cases, Vitalife offers services ranging from arthritis, bone fractures, back pain, shoulder pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome to congenital conditions like scoliosis and clubfoot.

There are several branches included in orthopedics, otherwise known as subspecialties. A few examples of the subspecialties are discussed below.

Hand And Upper Limb Surgery

Conditions that require surgery in the upper limbs and hands include arthritis, osteoarthritis, injuries related to sports, damage related to cartilage, and joint disorders. Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgery to repair tendons and conditions like shoulder impingement.

Sometimes, an examination under anesthesia allows the surgeon to examine the damaged or inflamed tissue. Other conditions related to hand and upper limbs that require a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon are Dupuytren’s contracture, nerve and vessel injuries, inflammation of tendons, and hand problems that are caused due to cerebral palsy, stroke, and spinal cord injuries.

Joint Replacement Surgery

A total joint replacement surgery or arthroplasty is a procedure that replaces the damaged joint with a prosthesis. A prosthesis is a combination of metal and plastic. Hip and knee replacement surgeries are the most common ones. However, replacement surgery can be done in other joints like the ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow.

Most patients can perform daily activities after undergoing joint replacement surgery. In addition, most people expect the joint replacement to last for many years, improving the quality of life, including less pain, improved range of motion and strength.


In an osteotomy, a bone is cut to shorten, lengthen or change its alignment. It is done in procedures like coxa vara, genu valgum, and genu varum. There are various types of osteotomy methods and variations of these methods. These methods are named after the surgeon who created them or how the bone is cut and reshaped.

Recovery depends on the type of osteotomy, surgical technique, and the severity of bone damage. One may need a splint, cast, or crunches to decrease bone and joint movement, keep weight off the bone and allow the bones to heal correctly. One may have to wear a cast or splint for weeks to months.

Shoulder Surgery

Surgery is often recommended for many shoulder problems. The surgical procedures can range from minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures to open surgeries. In some cases, an artificial shoulder replacement surgery may be needed. For example, minimally invasive procedures like arthroscopy are recommended for impingement syndrome, shoulder dislocation, frozen shoulder, and rotator cuff repairs.

In addition, shoulder replacement surgery may be recommended for complex fractures and other problems that cannot be repaired using other techniques.

Before having any surgery, discussing the complications associated with the procedure and the results that one may expect is essential. You should take time to make an informed choice and seek a second opinion if needed.

Spine Surgery

An orthopedic surgeon can address various conditions that could not be managed with conservative treatments. Conditions like spinal fusion, deformities like scoliosis and kyphosis, spinal tumor, vertebral compression fractures, and spinal stenosis. Spine surgery can relieve pain or numbness in the arms or legs. Along with this, it can also treat disc problems and overgrowth of bone in the spine. Procedures like discectomy, laminectomy, fusion, and artificial discs can be used to treat the problems related to the back.

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Joint Replacement Surgery

In a joint replacement surgery, the surgeon replaces the damaged joint with an artificial joint. The artificial joint can be metal or plastic. Most patients undergo total joint replacement, although a small number of people may need only a partial joint replacement.

Recovery time from joint replacement surgery depends on age, lifestyle, type of procedure, and replacement joint. Most people regain their mobility and get back to the activities they enjoy.

Sports Injuries And Trauma Surgery

Sports injuries can occur while playing outdoor or indoor games. They usually result from accidents, inadequate training, improper use of protective devices, or insufficient warm-up exercises.

Treatment for injuries related to sports varies according to the type of injury, location, and severity. Some injuries may require physiotherapy or surgery, while others require rest and painkillers. In addition, regenerative treatments can repair damaged cartilages, tendons and ligament tissues.

Tissue And Bone Repair

Several conditions require enhancement of bone regeneration either locally or systemically. Currently, there are a plethora of different strategies to accelerate the bone regeneration process. In addition, clinical conditions like skeletal reconstruction due to trauma, infection, tumor resection, and skeletal abnormalities require bone repair.

Why Vitalife ?

At Vitalife, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality medical care. That’s why we’re committed to providing ethical, patient-centered care in your neighborhood. Our experienced doctors come from some of India’s premier institutes, and they’re dedicated to providing the best possible care for every patient. We offer comprehensive OPD and IPD services, using state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. And we’re always looking for ways to improve our services and make a positive impact on our patients' lives.

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Things to know before you visit a specialist

Ask your surgeon about the treatment options and the alternative procedures that can be undertaken to treat your condition. Next, you should know the cost of the diagnostic tests and surgeries. This will help you get a fair idea of the financial demands of the treatment course. Then, you can make necessary adjustments if finance is a constraint. The next most important question you must ask your surgeon is how the surgery will affect your lifestyle.

During the first appointment, the orthopedic surgeon usually works to diagnose the patient’s condition. This workup usually consists of conducting a physical examination and taking X-rays. Sometimes, the orthopedic surgeon may consider using an in-office procedure, such as an injection, to make the diagnosis or treat the condition.

To diagnose your condition, the orthopedic surgeon will ask about the patient’s symptoms. Then, the surgeon will review the patient’s medical history to get a clear picture of their overall health. Next, the surgeon may perform a physical examination and review X-rays before the appointment.

Finally, the orthopedic surgeon may recommend additional tests like an MRI scan, a CT scan, a bone scan, an ultrasound, nerve conduction studies, and blood tests to make a definite diagnosis.

An orthopedic surgeon may perform specific in-office procedures to help diagnose and treat certain musculoskeletal conditions. X-rays are the most common diagnostic imaging tool. In addition, some acute injuries, such as fractures and dislocations, will require the orthopedic surgeon to manipulate the bone or joint and immobilize it using a splint, cast, or brace.

If the orthopedic surgeon cannot perform in-office treatment for a particular condition, other treatment options may need to be discussed. For example, certain medicines may be recommended for chronic musculoskeletal disorders like back pain or arthritis. In addition, anti-inflammatory medicines, rehabilitation therapy, injections, acupuncture, mobility aids, and home exercise programs are recommended.

Injuries related to bones and muscles are considered emergencies and require immediate medical attention. For example, a bone fracture requires urgent medical attention, especially an open or multiple fractures. In addition, you must visit a specialist if you experience intense pain, fever, or inability to bear weight or move your limb.

It is essential to know that seeing an orthopedic surgeon doesn’t necessarily mean you will end up in the operation theater. Because of the rigorous training, orthopedic surgeons are qualified to determine if surgery is the best option and, if so, which procedure would give the best results.

What should one ask the orthopedic surgeon?


Ask your surgeon about the treatment options and the alternative procedures that can be undertaken to treat your condition. Next, you should know the cost of the diagnostic tests and surgeries. This will help you get a fair idea of the financial demands of the treatment course. Then, you can make necessary adjustments if finance is a constraint. The next most important question you must ask your surgeon is how the surgery will affect your lifestyle.

What should one expect during an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon?


During the first appointment, the orthopedic surgeon usually works to diagnose the patient’s condition. This workup usually consists of conducting a physical examination and taking X-rays. Sometimes, the orthopedic surgeon may consider using an in-office procedure, such as an injection, to make the diagnosis or treat the condition.

To diagnose your condition, the orthopedic surgeon will ask about the patient’s symptoms. Then, the surgeon will review the patient’s medical history to get a clear picture of their overall health. Next, the surgeon may perform a physical examination and review X-rays before the appointment.

Finally, the orthopedic surgeon may recommend additional tests like an MRI scan, a CT scan, a bone scan, an ultrasound, nerve conduction studies, and blood tests to make a definite diagnosis.

An orthopedic surgeon may perform specific in-office procedures to help diagnose and treat certain musculoskeletal conditions. X-rays are the most common diagnostic imaging tool. In addition, some acute injuries, such as fractures and dislocations, will require the orthopedic surgeon to manipulate the bone or joint and immobilize it using a splint, cast, or brace.

If the orthopedic surgeon cannot perform in-office treatment for a particular condition, other treatment options may need to be discussed. For example, certain medicines may be recommended for chronic musculoskeletal disorders like back pain or arthritis. In addition, anti-inflammatory medicines, rehabilitation therapy, injections, acupuncture, mobility aids, and home exercise programs are recommended.

When should you visit an orthopedic surgeon?


Injuries related to bones and muscles are considered emergencies and require immediate medical attention. For example, a bone fracture requires urgent medical attention, especially an open or multiple fractures. In addition, you must visit a specialist if you experience intense pain, fever, or inability to bear weight or move your limb.

It is essential to know that seeing an orthopedic surgeon doesn’t necessarily mean you will end up in the operation theater. Because of the rigorous training, orthopedic surgeons are qualified to determine if surgery is the best option and, if so, which procedure would give the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do orthopedic surgeons always recommend surgery?


Unless a condition calls for immediate surgical intervention, an orthopedic surgeon explores the conservative methods before recommending surgery. If the symptoms are not alleviated with a lengthy course of conservative treatment, your surgeon may advise you to undergo a minimally invasive procedure. This allows you to experience less pain and lowers the risk of complications and has a shorter recovery period.

How can one avoid orthopedic problems?


Many orthopedic problems can be managed by undergoing specific lifestyle changes. Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise can help keep the weight in check and lower the risk of joint problems. In addition, food items rich in calcium and vitamin D should be included in the diet.

What leads to orthopedic problems?


The causes behind orthopedic problems include:

  • Strenuous activities
  • Trauma
  • Aging
  • Improper body mechanics
  • Congenital conditions